These professional athletes use the Boxer Strap Bassin shorts
Horse Riding

Cavalier Polo
Témoignages des sportifs amateurs
I am 47 years old, 1m63, and 50 kg.
I practice dressage and a strong pain in the ass appeared 2 weeks ago with the trot removed. At the pain massage in the "high" adductor and the seat. When walking on horseback and walking almost no pain was felt.
I am really very satisfied with the shorts.
I no longer have any pain on horseback, yet I still feel weak when I do the stretches. So I continue to tighten the straps for now. For me, BSB shorts are a real therapeutic tool. Without him, I might not have been riding again and above all, there would surely have been strong risks of relapse or even aggravation.
Bravo and thank you again very much because thanks to you I can continue my passion.